

piątek, 12 sierpnia 2016

"Sorry for a little bit late, but polish evening was great" :-)

Third day was so exciting and interesting. It started from Oxford Debate,which was organized in the Rathaus. The topic of the debate was about pros and cons of living in a big city. All participants were prepared well and gave a lot of arguments to detent their stands. The debate was won by the group of opposers - they stand was that it is better not to live in a big city. At the afternoon was the time for open ...space. Each nation prepared and showed presentation about their universities and activities,that they do there in everyday basis. After dinner polish group did presentation about history and culture in Poland. There was also degustation of polish food and drinks. Most of people had much fun during activities like 'Kaczuchy dance' or running around the chairs. The party continued to the very late time during night

- Ivan


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